Celebrating Pride Month: Our Commitment to Inclusivity at Health Hub Eaton Fair

As we celebrate Pride Month, we are excited to announce that Health Hub Eaton Fair is the first GP clinic in the Southwest to be registered with the Welcome Here Project. This milestone marks our ongoing commitment to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for everyone in our community, especially our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) members.

About the Welcome Here Project

The Welcome Here Project is an evolution of the Safe Place Project, which began in 1992 in response to high levels of street-based violence against LGBTIQ people. The original Safe Place Project encouraged local businesses to become designated ‘Safe Places’ where LGBTIQ individuals could seek refuge if they were under threat of violence. Participants displayed a sticker in their storefronts to signal their support and solidarity.

While street-based violence has decreased over the years, the need for safe and inclusive spaces remains. The Welcome Here Project builds on this foundation by supporting local businesses and services across Australia in fostering environments that are visibly welcoming to LGBTIQ people. It also empowers the LGBTIQ community to engage with these welcoming places and provide feedback on their experiences. You can learn more about the initiative by watching the Welcome Here Project video and explore registered Welcoming Places throughout Australia here.

Our Commitment to the Welcome Here Project

As a proud member of the Welcome Here Project, Health Hub Eaton Fair pledges to:

  1. Welcome and Include LGBTQ+ People: We stand up for LGBTQ+ inclusion and strive to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and accepted every time they visit our clinic.
  2. Create Positive Change in Our Local Community: We believe in the power and responsibility we all have to encourage positive social change. By promoting inclusivity, we aim to make our community a better place for all.
  3. Celebrate LGBTQ+ Diversity: We embrace and value diversity and are committed to celebrating the rich and varied communities that make up our society.

By joining the Welcome Here Project, we are not just making a statement; we are taking concrete steps towards a more inclusive and supportive environment for our LGBTIQ community members.

As we continue to provide healthcare services, we remain dedicated to these principles and invite everyone to join us in promoting a culture of acceptance and respect. Together, we can make a difference and create a community where everyone feels safe and valued.

Happy Pride Month!